Electrically-Driven Insulator-Metal Transition Based Devices, Part I: Electrothermal model and experimental analysis for DC Experimental Characteristics, J. Lin, S. Ramanathan and S. Guha, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65, 3982 (2018)
https://shriram-ramanathan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Rutgers_1-300x105.jpg00Shriram Ramanathanhttps://shriram-ramanathan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Rutgers_1-300x105.jpgShriram Ramanathan2018-07-24 16:34:342020-08-01 17:51:08Electrically-Driven Insulator-Metal Transition Based Devices, Part I: Electrothermal model and experimental analysis for DC Experimental Characteristics, J. Lin, S. Ramanathan and S. Guha, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 65, 3982 (2018)