iShine, venture by a team of Harvard and MIT students based on ultra-thin oxide film synthesis technology (for environmental protection) created in our laboratory takes the top spot in Princeton Enterpreneur’s Network competition (link) and are in the running for the MIT Clean Energy Prize

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Recent work by Tsuchiya, Lai et al on fuel cells is featured in MIT Technology Review, EE Times, MRS News, Harvard Crimson among several technical media

Congrats to Changhyun Ko for successfully defending his PhD dissertation on “Structure-functional property relationships in thin film vanadium oxide”

Frost and Sullivan publish a brief discussing and highlighting potential advantages of our low temperature fuel cell technology for portable energy – Research, Growth Consulting, Events, Training

Bo Kuai Lai and Kian Kerman’s recent work on thin film solid oxide fuel cells in the spotlight . These results have been highlighted in 20+ news media including Physorg, Sciencenewsdaily, Harvard Crimson, Gazette and various technical/news portals across the world.

New fuel cell keeps going after the hydrogen runs out

Welcome new post-doctoral fellows Sieu Ha (from Princeton), Yanjie Cui (from Univ Waterloo) and Yan Zhang (from UMass Amherst) to the group